The University of Abomey-Calavi (UAC) has obtained funding from the MasterCard Foundation to strengthen the entrepreneurial and … leadership skills of young students in order to make them job creators and agents of change in their Community. Part of this funding is aimed at building the Startup Valley incubation capacities. The FUAC has already obtained lands (200 hectares) secured from the communes in order to build agro poles that are centers of agribusiness designed to accommodate, host and frame the startups of agribusiness. A technical-economic data directory would facilitate the choice of agricultural products to be developed in each agro pole. This consultation is part of this dimension and aims to identify opportunities for the creation of innovative enterprises in the Agricultural Development cluster (PDA) priority chain of values (CVS) in Benin.
The general objective of this study is to establish a technical-economic database in each of the seven agricultural development centers, as defined in the government’s agricultural Program, the opportunities for agribusiness in CVS of agricultural products, which from an economic point of view takes an important place.
Specifically, it will be:
- To make an exhaustive literature review and a critical analysis of the opportunities for the creation of enterprises in agribusiness by the young graduates of universities in the priority CV in Benin;
- Identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of each priority agricultural CV;
- Conduct a techno-economic analysis of the agribusiness opportunities for young university graduates along the chain of values of priority agricultural products;
- Propose approaches (bouquet of support services) for the integration of young university graduates into priority CVS.
The firm/study Office must justify the following qualifications:
- Have proven expertise in promoting agricultural value chains and promoting small and medium-sized enterprises in Benin;
- Have a master level Consultant or an agronomist (BAC + 5) in agronomic sciences or associated sciences (a PhD in agribusiness or economics would be an asset). It will have to justify an experience of at least five (05) years in the conduct of analysis work of the value chains of agricultural products attested by consultation reports and/or scientific publications;
- Have an agronomist specialized in plant production with a master1/2 degree and at least 3 years of experience;
- Have an agronomist specialized in animal production/veterinary with a master1/2 degree and at least 3 years of experience;
- Have an agronomist specialized in nutrition and food technology with a master1/2 degree and at least 3 years of experience;
- Have an expert in agricultural entrepreneurship with a master1/2 degree and at least 3 years of experience.
Made in Abomey-Calavi on August 10, 2017
The firms and studies cabinets can download the Terms of reference in the “News” section on the following websites,, and They may request the ToR by sending an email to or The may also go to the Secretariat of the Foundatiomn of the University of Abomey-Calavi located in front of the Town Hall of Abomey-Calavi no later than August 16, 2017 at 12pm.
Proposals are being accepted until August 31, 2017 at 12pm.
The Executive Director of the foundation of the University of Abomey-Calavi